A Wintery Tale...
Once upon a time, in a snowy little village in the middle of nowhere, lived a girl. A very bored girl. Who did a lot of weird things. One day, this very bored girl decided to put a ton of makeup on her face and take a hike out into the woods. And so she put on her Winter Cloak and ventured out into the wilderness. But, little did she know, a storm was brewing...
How I Became a "Snow Princess"
If you follow me on Instagram (@the_magic_crafter) then you probably know that I am currently obsessed with this new cape/cloak that I got from a company called "DevilNightUK" (READ THIS BEFORE BUYING FROM THEM THOUGH!!!!). This Gothic cloak has single-handedly caused me to fall in love with winter all over again. Not only is it nice to look at, but it is also extremely warm and makes me feel epic when it blows in the wind. So naturally, I had to attempt to catch its beauty on camera.
A few weeks ago, I took it out in the woods for a fairy tale adventure. Silly me forgot to check the weather though, because once I walked to my filming location, I got trapped in a bit of a snowstorm! The wind was blowing quite hard, and snow was whipping around everywhere! I didn't want to turn back, since I was sweating hot from all the layers I was wearing AND because I had walked so far. I was determined to film, so I did. (Please note that I was not in any danger... or else I would have 100% called for help or headed home... I am not foolish!)
Here's a closeup picture of me in my "Snow Queen" outfit. My makeup was most likely frozen to my face... 🤔😅 The furry hood of my Gothic cloak kept my head pretty warm when it actually stayed on my head though!
At first, I wanted to capture footage that looked as though it was straight out of Narnia. I wanted to show the beautiful, peaceful side of winter. The fresh snow on the ground and on the pine trees matched my desires perfectly... but the wind did NOT want to cooperate. Because of this, I decided to compromise. I tried coordinating my "scenes" with the gusts of the wind, hoping to catch the dramatic snow tornadoes that it created as it rushed between the trees. I managed to film a few of them, which was pretty exciting! Honestly, I wish I would have focused more of my shots on the land around me, rather than on myself.
Here's a full-body picture of my "Ice Queen" outfit. The cape/cloak was bought from Devil Night UK. It is by the brand "Punk Rave." I am TOTALLY in love with it!! The way the snow climbs up the side of it to create an ombre look is so beautiful! ♥ And when I spin it around in circles, the snow comes flying off and makes me look like I have magical snow powers! 😘
As some people have pointed out, the little "Snow Princess," movie I created is a bit too dramatic at times. I make some weird faces, lay in some weird positions, and hop through the snow like a clumsy Gothic bunny. It isn't my favorite video in the whole world, but I really did enjoy the filming process of it more than I have with a lot of my other videos. I mean... it was the first time in YEARS when I actually went outside and played in the snow! At the start of the filming session, I did my best to act serious. However... as the day went on, I found myself laughing like a crazy person (by myself) about the wind knocking the hood off of my face 24/7. I started twirling my cloak in circles, throwing snow up into the air, and ended up falling on my butt more times than I care to remember. It was messy and over-dramatic, but it was created out of joy.
My fingers and toes were quite frozen by the time I was finished with taking footage. That was basically the only reason I quit filming... otherwise I would have stayed out in the lovely monster we call "winter."
As always, thanks for taking the time to read this big long trail of words. I appreciate it greatly! Oh... and thank you for supporting my other work too! Did you know that we have hit over 1 Million views on YouTube, are just shy of 6,000 subscribers, and that the YouTube channel now has over 100 videos? GOODNESS GRACIOUS I couldn't have done this without you... thank you dearest! ♥
XOXO- Mermaid Phantom