DIY Magic Potions: Halloween Hued Fairy Dust
Sparkle and Shine
A while back, I taught you all how to make a magic fairy dust potion and you seemed to enjoy that video quite a bit! So I thought I'd treat you to another one. Today we are going to put a Halloween twist on a fairydust magic potion and we are going to make a "black magic" variation of it.
Black Magic fairy dust looking pretty all bottled up in a potion bottle.
Here's what you'll need to make this magical craft:
- A large mixing bowl
- A glass vial with a cork stopper
- A spoon
- A funnel
- 1/4 cup black glitter
- 2 Tablespoons dark blue glitter
- 2 Tablespoons superfine onyx glitter
- 2 Tablespoons superfine purple glitter
- 2 Tablespoons superfine robin's egg blue glitter
- 2 Tablespoons superfine glow-in-the-dark glitter
"Black Magic" fairy dust sitting in a stone bowl. It will soon be bottled up in a potion bottle so that none of the magic escapes. ;D
Mixing up magic...
Take your 1/4 cup of black glitter and pour it into your mixing bowl. Then take your Dark Blue Glitter and pour it into your mixing bowl as well. Now go ahead and pour in your Superfine Purple Glitter and pour in your Superfine Onyx Glitter. And because it looks really cool to pour these two together, we are going to pour in the Robin's Egg Blue Superfine glitter and the Glow-in-the-dark superfine glitter at the same time... Because why not!?! I'm sure you know what comes next after that! Grab your spoon and mix up your fairy dust!
Magic potions make great props to use for decorating your home for Halloween. Whether you choose to scatter the fairydust or not is up to you!
All bottled up
Onward to my favorite part! Take the top off of your glass vial and stick your funnel into the top of your vial. And using your spoon, funnel some of that Halloween hued black magic fairy dust into your potion bottle.
This fairydust blend is perfect for any wicked faeries or mischievous pixies out there. It can work as a costume accessory (take care with the glass!) or as an enchanting Halloween prop for the home.
That is how you make a black magic fairy dust potion just in time for Halloween!
If you guys liked this tutorial then please give it a "like..." that would mean so much to me! And if you would like to help me spread fairy dust all over the world then please share this with your friends, family, or anyone else who might appreciate this Halloween DIY project. (That way, we can fill the world with sparkles, magic, and fairydust, which would be awesome!)
Thank you for crafting with me! I will see you next Wednesday with some more magical fun. I hope you have an ever-so-magical day, and an even more magical Halloween! <3
XOXO- Mermaid Phantom
P.S. If you would like to learn how to make more magic potions, then you should check out this playlist I created here. I hope to be adding more to it soon!